Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Everyday Gifts

I walked down to the road today to pick up the mail.

The mail is the most mundane thing in the world. And the mail can pull the wool over your eyes. There are bills in the mail. Bank statements. Colorful advertisements. All sorts of things that seem to demand your attention now. All sorts of things that can spark anxiety, that can create envy or longing, that can pull you in ten different directions at once.

The mail is seductive. It can make you forget what's really happening here. It can make a Fool out of you.

But on the return trip from getting the mail, I spotted two wild turkeys almost hidden back in the woods, shepherding a brood of six or eight baby turkeys. They were gently picking their way through the brush near a small pond formed by the recent rains. I stopped, captivated by the beauty of what I was witnessing. Then the two adults became aware of my presence, and quickly moved to shield the babies from my view.

These are not deep woods by my home. This is old farmland and civilization is close by. But the music still plays and Nature does her dance, even when we're in the shadow of big city skyscrapers.

The turkeys brought the Message. They were a small, momentary gift to me from a loving universe. Of course, the turkeys had their own agenda - to eat, to protect their young, to procreate, to survive. These things are beautiful and necessary. But make no mistake: the universe, Love, Unity, was shaking me and saying, "Look, man! Look here. This is it. This is what it's all about."

We've talked before about Having Moments? This is an example of what I mean when I say to Have Moments.


Brian said...
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Brian said...


Thank you for doing this. I think this is a positive way for those who missed your lecture last month to stay aware of what is going on. For those that have asked we will have something out in book form but probably not until early 2010. Until then please keep attending lectures when you can and please email if there is anything we can do for you to keep you up to date.

Sue said...

I have been working so hard at this lately! Every day I walk my dog in the woods. I don't care how tired I am, or how much I want to just veg out and watch TV. It would be so easy to just be Blind and to sit and watch TV and spend my day in a fog. But as soon as I let myself just go out and be with nature I find there are Moments to be had all around me. Just watching my dog run, or roll in the grass or play with another dog..it all forces me back into what is real and takes me out of what is manufactured. It's all so beautiful. All of it!

Shane Shirley said...

Beautiful writing. I am glad I found your blog.

Michelle said...

Oh! It's up!

Fabulous. Well Patrick I think it is a great idea. I have had many blogs over the years and it is a great way for like minded people to just get together and share ideas. I look forward to this being a place where we can all listen and share with others.

And a big thank you to you and Brian for letting me be a part of this! It means a lot to me to know that I have been noticed!

Melissa said...

Having Moments is soooo important. When I went through my cancer treatment sometimes I felt like it was the worry within me that was eating me up...that is my misery and anxiety that was killing me. I came to realize that it was the moments when I stayed present with the message that I was hearing and feeling that was when I was being cured.

Deborah said...

Thank you for finding me and allowing me to discover you. More moments, please.

Erica said...

Beautiful post. I try to remember to "stop and smell the roses" as often as I can! Life is toooo short!! Have a fabulous night

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! Sometimes we all need to just see the beauty in the little things in life!

Spinning Girl said...

I call these Moments of Perfect Beauty, and I gather them & remember them.

julie said...

Beautiful post. It's all about staying in the moment...being connected, looking in each others eyes and giving full attention...I think we get little gifts all day, every day, but I often get caught up in the 'hurry up' of everyday. I am getting better and reminders like the one you've posted help.
Thank you for posting on my blog...makes me happy...

Candie said...

Encouragements for your new blog.
Thanks for stopping by at mine.

Lisa Nanette Allender said...

Thank you for stopping in at Lisa Allender Writes. I am curious how you found me.
I truly love your post here--it's spiritual, WITHOUT being "religious", which is a great thing!
Peace, woman.

Debra Kay said...

It's amazing how much easier Moments are when animals are involved.

j said...

I love Moments too. It is a comfirmation to me that God is involved in every aspect of my life, big and small.

Ms Scarlet said...

I have plenty of moments..! Funny moments where I put the used T-bag back in the fridge and the milk in the bin... ;O)

human being said...

and i had one of those moments too... just by clicking on Michelle's name who had visited my blog and left some nice and encouraging words there...

this passage was a beautiful pause in my life today... creating a sense of universal belonging...

thanks for this Patrick... looking forward to reading more from you and Michelle...

peace and love

Michelle said...

Thank you to every one of you for posting here. We started this bog as we believe that anything can be accomplished when people spread the message and are not Blind.

We are all very grateful that you all have come and shared your feelings with us.

JC said...

Moments are those special time when God makes His presence real to us. I love them. You have a lovely site.

Ronda Laveen said...

Thanks for finding my blog and sharing your time. I have enjoyed reading yours. There is so much here with which I resonate. In the words of my infamous Governor of Cal-i-for-n-ia, I'll be back.

Unknown said...

Hey , sorry i am so late i nreplying but i am out of the country for the moment and i dont really have time to login. nope we dint try that board yet , i was thinking that maybe i can make it , because it is pretty expensive to buy. i am kind of scared to try it , because of the things that can happen but at the same time i am curious. did u ever tried it?

Iva Messy said...

you are a great writer!

Sophia said...

Thanks for the invite.

Sometimes it is so easy to get lost in all the intellectual parts of spirituality that we forget to stop and adore nature. I think this post is a good reminder to do so.